Writer - Performer

Tony is a creative at heart with a passion for connecting people through intentional writing and nostalgic cover music of all genres. Whether you need some sweet music to entertain you and your guests, or a discerning eye to help your web content connect with your audience, he brings a touch to projects that helps them become greater than the sum of all their parts.

© Cayce Pollard. All rights reserved.


With a degree in English literature and an emphasis in creative writing, Tony has written professional communications and content for over seven years. He focuses on the bigger picture in which concise and vulnerable writing acts as connective tissue between entities and clients. Whether you're a non-profit striving to serve more people in need or a small business trying to become self-sustainable, Tony can help you create or optimize your content for whatever purpose it may serve.

Writing Services

The writing services that I offer are a great variety. My experience lies mainly in light digital marketing, SEO mindful writing and editing, Academic editing and Professional communications. My approach is immersive and most projects will reflect that by allotting an aspect of each service that is oriented around research and availability for upkeep and communication with clients.


A 'break the guitar out at a family function' musician, Tony excels at connecting with audiences through crisp guitar work and smooth vocals. He has a knack for reading a crowd and devising set lists on the fly that add greatly to every atmosphere. He also has written and recorded multiple projects with another single and music video set to be released this spring.

For all booking inquiries

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